
We would like to thank everyone who works with us in these difficult moments. We greatly appreciate it!


First of all, we thank all our employees / colleagues for working at full capacity. For compliance with hygiene measures and 100% work done. Due to the difficult situation, some of them have to work part-time or be temporarily on the employer's side. We appreciate your efforts, willingness and determination to handle the current situation.

Thanks also to our customers, who also do not have an easy period due to COVID-19. They work intensively with us to inform us of delivery options, schedules and current situation, all to find the best solution for both parties.

We also thank all carriers who, for us and for our customers, despite the various measures of individual countries, transport goods to the more risky countries.

We also thank all of our suppliers for the supply of materials and goods so that we can work without major problems and continue to drive at full power.

Your hard work, commitment and effort to do everything in your power to cope with the current situation is more than THANK YOU


We are here for you and especially for you!
We wish a lot of strength to overcome it together!

Avex Steel Products s.r.o.

Contact for media

Hana Nováčková Executive Assistant +420 608 600 312 hana.novackova@avexproducts.com
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